Haru biru lar ni dengan politik dan ekonomi negara.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Posted by BraderBoroi at 8:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: layan movies
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
First it happened in Iraq.
Take this, you mangy scur ...
Then it happened in the UK.
When do you reckon this will happen in our shore?
I really would like to let go of my pent-up rage against politicians on both side of the fence who are ever so busy politicising every darn fugging issue under God's sun, and forgetting to get things going for the rakyat who put them there in the first place.
And be warned! I'm buying safety boots with steel flaps tucked neatly under those polyester skin for good measure. But knowing these thick, alligatored skin politicians that we have here, my shoes would probably be returned to me dented way beyond recognition.
Posted by BraderBoroi at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: ntahapaapatah, nyampah
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It’s fine and dandy that we organize countless activities for our less fortunate brothers and sisters in Palestine. Day in and day out I read in the media publication and see in the broadcast media about this or that organization holding charity events to raise money for the Gaza Relief Fund. Often than not, these organizations will send representatives with huge, mock-up cheques to the Fund Organizer’s office with broad smiles on their faces for the flashing photographers’ cameras. Whether those efforts come from a genuine heart who feels for the suffering of another human being or whether it’s only for show, with loads of pomp and pageantry, only Allah knows.
Having said that, please spare a thought for our Rohingya brothers and sisters who suffers from a not so similar tragedy as the one endured by our Palestinian brethren. Just for the record, here are some excerpts taken from Uncle Wiki about the Rohingya for your reading:-
“The Rohingya are mostly Sunni Muslim ethnic group of the Northern Rakhine State of Western Burma (now Myanmar). The Rohingya population is mostly concentrated in two northern townships of the Rakhine State (formerly known as Arakan). It is thought that the history of the Rohingya people dates to the early 7th century in Arakan State, where Arab Muslim traders settled, but there is little historical evidence.
Rohingya people are physically, linguistically and culturally similar to South Asians, especially Bengali people. In addition, some of the Rohingya settling in Arakan are descendants of Arabs, Persians and Pathans who migrated to Arakan during the Mughal Empire. According to Amnesty International, the Rohingya people have continued to suffer from human rights violations under the Myanmar junta since 1978, and many have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh to avoid prosecution. Amnesty International further concluded that the Rohingyas’ freedom of movement is severely restricted and the vast majority of them have effectively been denied Myanmar citizenship. They are also subjected to various forms of extortion and arbitrary taxation; land confiscation; forced eviction and house destruction; and financial restrictions on marriage. Rohingyas continue to be used as forced labourers on roads and at military camps, although the amount of forced labour in northern Rakhine State has decreased over the last decade. In 1978 over estimated number of 200,000 Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh, following the ‘Nagamin’ (‘Dragon King’) operation of the Myanmar army. Officially this campaign was aimed at "scrutinizing each individual living in the state, designating citizens and foreigners in accordance with the law and taking actions against foreigners who have filtered into the country illegally". This military campaign directly targeted civilians, and resulted in widespread killings, rape and destruction of mosques and further religious persecution.
During 1991-92 a new wave of the over estimated number of a quarter of a million Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh. They reported widespread forced labour, as well as summary executions, torture, and rape. Rohingyas were forced to work without pay by the Myanmar army on infrastructure and economic projects, often under harsh conditions. Many other human rights violations occurred in the context of forced labour of Rohingya civilians by the security forces. Some were later repatriated back to the nation that denied them citizenship. Some are still in exile, living in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Thailand and Malaysia.”
For further readings, please click here:-
And loads more at Google or Yahoo!
I do hope that organizations or individuals who have voluntarily spent their time and effort in raising funds for the Palestinians would also do the same for the Rohingya people. The Malaysian government, in turn, could allocate lands and citizenship, and could use these people as casual labours to spur our building and other labour intensive industry, while ridding the country of illegal labour force. This is the time to show our big heartedness by doing something for the sake of a fellow human being. In Islam, it is better to donate RM 10 in stealth, rather than donating RM 1,000 in glamorous events and showing it off to the eye of an adoring public.
Posted by BraderBoroi at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: agaknya ler kan, Pindah randah
Friday, January 30, 2009
.... comes around.
Itulah pepatah Inggeris yang lebih kurangnya bermaksud: ko perdajal orang, satu hari nanti orang plak pedajal balik sama ko.
2 minggu lepas brader temankan kawan pejabat brader pergi Low Yatt Plaza. Si Zack ni saja nak jalan2 tengok laptop bagai. Katanya survey untuk gantikan pc di umahnya yang dah uzur.
Tup tup laptop tak jadik beli. Tapi dia beli webcam yang cun.
Brader ejek2 dia. "Weiii ... ko nak wat apa dengan webcam tu hahhh? Nak chatting webcam bogel dengan awek ek?" Zack hanya tersipu2 malu.
Semalam brader plak beli webcam nak ganti webcam brader yang telah rosak. Sorok2, uols. Tanak bagi Zack nampak.
Tapi Tuhan tu masa kuasa. Brader sorok2 pegi beli webcam tu masa time lunch sorang2. Tapi lepas balik opis dan dalam kelam-kabut nak pi solat, brader tertinggal plastik beg berisi webcam tu atas meja.
Balik surau jer Zack dah duduk tersengih dalam bilik brader.
"Oooooo .. beli webcam baru hahhhh?? Nak chat Skype bogel dengan aweks ker?"
Adussssss .... maluuuuuuuu nyer....
So moral of the story ..... lu pikir la sendiri!
Posted by BraderBoroi at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: ntahapaapatah
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I read with glee in today's online Telegraph.uk.
It had an article about David Beckham.
Ermmm. Let me be more specific. It had a story about Mr. Posh Spice, and his ... urmmm.. buns.
The story goes like this:
Beckham, who previously went by the name 'Goldenballs' - a pet name given to him by his wife Victoria (aka Posh Spice) - has been labelled 'Goldenbuns' because his AC Milan team-mates supposedly like to touch his backside for luck.
Since the 33-year-old's arrival on loan from LA Galaxy, Beckham has started every game for the Rossoneri and the Serie A club have since not lost a match.
And, when he scored for Milan during their 4-1 thrashing of Bologna at the weekend, his team-mates Andrea Pirlo and Clarence Seedorf made a point of stroking his posterior.
An 'insider' is even quoted in the Sun as saying: "Italy is a superstitious country, people touch things for luck. "Now the players are doing the same thing with Becks' bottom. He is seen as lucky."
Woiittt ... janganlah. Nanti Posh ingat aku geiboi plak....
Only in Italy that superstition is taken to the limit. One of these days, Milan will crash to a home defeat infront of their fanatical fans in San Siro and Beckham's arse will be done for.
Come to think of it, the Malaysian football team would need more than a bum grope to escape the doldrum its in. Our current ranking in world football is not something that we can jump for joy and shout "MALAYSIA BOLEH!" at.
The only way to turn Malaysia football around is also bum related. We just need to kick some old, hairy and crony asses off the organisation and bring in some new butts whose management, tactical and business savviness would be Blue Ocean to a football afficionado like moi.
But I better stop at that, before I get my own posterior into trouble!
Posted by BraderBoroi at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: agaknya ler kan, Milan
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Akhirnya brader berjaya juga buat ujian alahan di sebuah hospital premier di KL.
Untuk makluman, brader mengunjungi klinik Otolaryngology secara berkala sejak tahun 2007 lagi disebabkan mengalami sindrom vertigo. Bagi mereka yang tidak mengetahui dan malas nak baca link yang telah brader sediakan, Otolaryngology adalah sejenis cabang perubatan yang memberikan tumpuan khusus kepada permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan telinga, hidung, tekak, dan hal² lain yang berkaitan dengan kepala dan tengkuk. Vertigo pula ialah sejenis permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan keseimbangan badan.
Setelah melalui proses penyaringan yang begitu menyeluruh, seperti pemeriksaan ultrasound telinga, dipaksa tidur satu malam di hospital untuk menjalani kajian ke atas ‘sleep apnea’, dan beberapa lagi kajian yang melibatkan mencucuk, mengorek dan menjelir, maka akhirnya doktor mengarahkan brader melalui satu ujian alahan (allergy test) pada Jumaat , 23 Jan yang lepas. Tujuan ujian ini adalah untuk menentukan apakah makanan / perkara yang mengakibatkan sinus brader menjadi terlalu melampau.
Perkara pertama yang ditanya oleh kakak misi yang bertugas di kaunter klinik alahan tersebut ialah samada brader mengikut arahan terdahulu untuk tidak mengambil pil alahan antara 7 – 10 hari sebelum ujian dijalankan. Setelah mengiyakannya, brader diminta untuk mengisi borang yang penuh dengan soalan² yang begitu saintifik dan mencabar minda, terutamanya di dalam sejarah perubatan keluarga brader. Setelah membidik dan menyimpan dadu yang digunakan untuk menjawab soalan objektif, barulah brader dijemput (betul ni, dijemput) berjumpa dengan doktor dan dua orang pembantunya.
Perkara-perkara yang dilakukan oleh doktor yang penuh sopan dengan pembantu²nya di dalam melaksanakan ‘skin allergy test’ ini ialah:-
1. Menyemak jawapan yang brader isi di dalam borang soalselidik tadi. Kalau nak ikut standard SPM, brader skor 85% betul. Yayyyy.. errr 85% ialah B1 kan?
2. Meletakkan 3 strip kertas bertanda 1 – 62 di tangan kanan dan kiri brader (belah dalam) dan menitiskan cecair berasingan pada setiap titik yang bernombor.
3. Doktor yang baik hati tersebut seterusnya menggunakan sejenis alat yang digunakan untuk menebuk lubang halus di kulit tangan brader agar cecair yang dititiskan tadi menyerap ke dalam tangan brader. 62 alat penebuk digunakan untuk membuat lubang yang begitu mikroskopik di tangan brader.
Dan keputusannya ialah:-
Huhuhuhu … brader alergik kepada hama dalam Malaysia (no. 9) dan hama import (no. 8). Dan bukan kecik anak punya alergik tu. Tiga +. Dan brader juga alergik kepada kucing, walau pun mild (satu +). Jadik itulah sebabnya walaupun makan obat dan bagai, sinus brader tak reda².
Tapi apa brader nak buat kat 2p, Boboy & Gegirl nanti? Takkan nak halau derank. Kesihan kucing² tu. Huhuhu … fenin fenin.
Jadi secara kesimpulannya, brader kenelah rajin mengemas rumah dan bilik setiap minggu. Hama ni bukan sahaja ada di persekitaran tetapi juga pada cadar, sarung bantal dan pada karpet. Kene buanglah karpet² ni. Huhuhu… Bantal² pun kene jemur di panas terik selalu kerana dia akan mati bila kene matahari. Gamaknya macam vampire jugaklah. Mati bila kene cahaya matahari.
Posted by BraderBoroi at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: nak makan obat ke tak
Wahlau ...

Posted by BraderBoroi at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: cuti perayaan
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Nasib. Sungguh bernasib baik.
Setelah ketinggalan 3 - 0 di tangan kelab dari Divisyen Satu, Burnley selepas masa penuh permainan, kelab brader telah berjaya menerobos gawang pasukan lawan dengan dua gol jaringan Roman Pavlyuchenko (gambar bawah) dan Jermaine Defoe untuk menjadikan keputusan akhir 3 - 2. Tetapi jika dikira dengan agregat maka pasukan brader telah menang dengan jaringan 6 - 4 (perlawanan pertama kami menang 4 -1).
Apa yang menyebabkan brader bersuara tentang nasib yang benar² menyebelahi tim brader ialah sekiranya jaringan masih kekal 3 - 0 selepas masa tambahan, maka Burnley akan diberikan kemenangan berdasarkan kepada jaringan di tempat lawan (away goal) dan ini akan membawa pasukan cili api ini ke final Piala Carling yang akan diadakan pada 1 Mac 2009 di Stadium Wembley, London. Dalam menempuh onak dan ranjau ke perlawanan separuh akhir ini, Burnley telah berjaya menewaskan gergasi BPL yang ternama seperti Chelsea dan Fulham. Dan mereka masih boleh mendabik dada walau pun tewas 'sipi' di perlawanan separuh akhir kedua ini.
Namun disebabkan oleh 'nasib' memang menyebelahi tim brader maka ianya membolehkan pasukan ini berdepan dengan lawannya Manchester United di final nanti. Hmmmmm. Memang janggal nanti tengok Berbatov menyarung jersi merah dan cuba merobek benteng pertahanan kawan² sepasukannya dahulu. Tapi apa nak kata, itulah bola. Sebenarnya bola ni sama seperti politik gak. Tak semestinya kawan dan musuh itu berkekalan sampai bila². Hari ini boleh bermain sebagai kawan di dalam satu pasukan. Esoknya plak jadi 'musuh' berlawanan.
Ironinya, tim brader ini juga akan berdepan dengan Manchester United hari Sabtu (24 Jan) ni di Old Trafford untuk cubaan memarakan diri ke perlawanan pusingan ke 5 Piala FA. Ni yang bertambah² saspen ni. Apatah lagi dengan form dan mood mendominasi Red Devils masa ni. Ditambah pula dengan kebuntuan prestasi dan kecederaan pemain di dalam tim brader. Huhhh...
Ini yang akan membuatkan malam² brader berkeceramuk dengan anxiety dan acidity (dalam perut sebab stress).
Tapi yang pastinya pagi ni brader NGANTUUUUUKKKKKK ..... Nak amik MC bley? huhuhuhu...
Posted by BraderBoroi at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: domam bola
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"Bro. Bagi la gua tip cemana nak berenti merokok."
Posted by BraderBoroi at 9:10 AM 3 comments
Labels: ngomel
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Posted by BraderBoroi at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: marah ni